Useful Links for Mental Health and Wellbeing
General Mental Health
Sheffield based, young person friendly website giving information, support and self-help advice for a range of mental health/emotional health and wellbeing issues. Also information for adults.
Factsheet giving information, support and self-help advice for a range of mental health/emotional health and wellbeing issues.
Website giving information, support and self-help advice for a range of mental health/emotional health and wellbeing issue
A network that shares practical, academic and clinical expertise regarding wellbeing and mental health issues for children, families and professionals.
YoungMinds - website giving information, support and self-help advice for a range of mental health/emotional health and wellbeing issues. Great resource for parents and carers on how to support and start conversations with children about mental health and wellbeing. Click on the icon to the left 'The #Take20 Parents' Hub' |
Self Harm
How to recognise depression in young people and how you can help yourself/what others can do to help - information sheet.
information on depression and a self-help fact sheet.
Why obsessions become compulsions – information sheet and advice.
What are the different worries and anxieties children may feel – information sheet.
information on anxiety and a self-help fact sheet.
App to support with anxiety.
information on stress and a self-help fact sheet.
App to support with meditation.
Eating Disorders
South Yorkshire Eating Disorder Association
local support group with website and useful contacts to support those with eating disorders
Young Carers
information and local support for Young Carers
Suicide Prevention
information and confidential support and advice to support those not coping with life. Tel: 0800 0684141
Local Services and Support Groups
a wide range of information provided with contacts for local services (see Sheffield Mental Health Guide).
activities, organisations, information and services at your fingertips.
Kooth is an online counselling and support service which is now available to all young people in Sheffield aged 11-18 years. It is a safe, confidential and anonymous way for young people to access emotional wellbeing and early intervention mental health and support.
National Help Lines
young person friendly website giving information, support and self-help advice for a range of mental health/emotional health and wellbeing issues. Tel: 0800 1111
support website and phone number. Tel: 116 123